Monday, October 27, 2008

Learn about Teaching Islam to Non Muslim

On Thursday, October 23, 2008, we had to go to one of the program in masjid.
It's class for all non Muslim who want to learn about Islam.
On that day, they were almost 30 people came to masjid just to learn Islam.
Alhamdulillah, all my kids attended this very good class.

The speaker was Sheikh Yasir Qadhi. He started his lecture about the six pillars of Beliefs in Islam. He explained one by one. After that, he explained the five pillars of action in Islam. Then, he talked about the current issues, such woman, Muslim countries, jihad, etc.

When he finished his lecture, he let the guests to ask any question about Islam.

Some of the questions are:
  • Where is the angel?
  • How to become Muslim?
  • What is Jihad?
  • What is the status Muslim woman in Islam?
  • Muslim can not eat pork.
  • etc.

Alhamdulillah, this class helped the kids learning how to tell people about Islam.
We have to teach other people, especially non Muslim, about Islam.
And this is also our responsibility to spread the words to non Muslim about Islam.

The Muslim Kids should learn the basic knowledge about Islam.
If they already learn, then they should practice it in their daily life.

There are so many ways that you can teach the kids about this da'wa, such as:
  • Being nice to friends, to family, to teachers, and to neighborhoods.
  • Pray when it is time for salah in school, in library, in friend's house, or in any good place on the earth.
  • Tell them about Not eating in Ramadan because of fasting.
  • Tell them about Why you have to wear hijab/head dress.
  • Invite them to masjid to learn about Islam more.
  • Have special time to tell about Islam in the class with your mother and Father by asking the teacher.
  • etc.

Useful links are:

Insha Allah, If we are helping Allah to spread Islam, Allah will help us, too.

May Allah always guide us in the right path. Ameen.


The Basic Islamic Teaching

  • Six Pillars of Beliefs/Faith

    • Belief in Allah. Islam believes there is one true Allah (The Arabic translation of the word God). Allah alone is the creator of all the universe.
    • Belief in Angels. Angels exist and interact with human lives. They are made of light, and each have different purposes or messages to bring to earth.

    • Belief in Book of Allah. There are four inspired books, the Torah of Moses, the Psalms of David, the Injil, and the Qur'an. All, but the Qur'an, have been interpreted and changed by Jews and Christians. The Qur'an is the complete book of Allah and has not been changed by anyone.

    • Belief in Prophets and Messegers of Allah. Some of them are: Adam alayhi salam, Noah alayhi salam, Abraham alayhi salam, Moses alayhi salam, Isa alayhi salam, and Muhammad sallahu alayhi wasalam. Muhammad sallahu alayhi wasalam is the last and greatest of Allah's messengers.
    • Belief in The Day of Judgement. On the last day there will be a time of resurrection and judgment.
    • Belief in Al-Qadr or Divine Creed.

  • The Five Pillars of Islam
    The five pillars of Islam are duties each Muslim performs to demonstrate his or her faith.

    • Shahadah/Testimony of Faith (Kalima)- One must state, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah."

    • Prayer (Salat) - Prayer must be done five times a day towards the direction of Mecca.
    • Almsgiving (Zakat) - Muslims are required to give charity and zakat to the orphan and the poor or the needy.

    • Fasting (Sawm) - During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims have to fast from sunrise to sundown.
    • Pilgrimage (Hajj) - Each Muslim is expected to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.